
SLF Commemorates #BlueShirtDay with Launch of Anti-Bullying School Survey

SLF Commemorates #BlueShirtDay with Launch of Anti-Bullying School Survey

MEDIA RELEASE 06.10.19 Monday October 7, 2019 is designated as World Day of Bullying Prevention or #BlueShirtDay. On this day, students, teachers, staff and all other allies are encouraged to wear blue to raise awareness of the need for action to end bullying in our schools. In 2018, The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) launched the 2016 Trinidad and Tobago School Climate Survey Report on Bullying and Gender-Based Violence in secondary schools across Trinidad and Tobago. This study was the first…

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Community Cleans Up with Compassion

Members of the LGBT+ Community of Trinidad & Tobago and their friends came out on Sunday to clean Woodford Square, Port of Spain, at the same time that members of T&T Cause were assembling to begin their rally against decriminalization of the buggery law. This latest public mobilization activity of the LGBT+ Community aimed to place a spotlight on real issues facing our nation – such as rampant littering and its impact on the environment – which is a clear…

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Erasing Hate, 19 Years Later

One day following the commemorations of National Coming Out Day, we pause to reflect on the tragic passing of Laramie, Wyoming teen, Matthew Shepard, who left us on this day – nineteen years ago.   (A basket of flowers hangs from the fence where Matthew Shepard was left to die. Photo: Steve Liss/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)   It is no secret that Matthew’s story could very well have been any one of ours. As LGBTQIA youths in Trinidad and…

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Proud to “B” in the LGBT

Today, we celebrate Bisexual Visibility Day. First observed in 1999, September 23rd has since been marked around the world as a day of celebration for bisexual visibility and pride. It was the brainchild of Wendy Curry, Michael Page, and Gigi Raven Wilbur, three United States bisexual rights activists. People individually and collectively celebrate bisexual pride and awareness in many ways, including parties, flag-flying, workshops, film screenings and social cyber events. Bisexual men and women still continue to face stigmatization, prejudice…

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Statement – Re: Passing of Johnathan Smith

The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the Smith family on the passing of their beloved son, Johnathan Smith. There are no words or emotion that fully conveys the sadness and grief we share over the loss of someone whom we treasured as a loyal ally, fervent supporter and amazing friend.   Photo: Johnathan Smith We first met Johnathan two years ago when he approached us to contribute one of his…

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Happy PRIDE!

June is celebrated widely as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) pride month, a month dedicated to bringing the community together and celebrate their achievements, re-energising our efforts for future change. It is the act of a positive stance against discrimination and violence towards the LGBTQ community and works to promote positive self-affirmation for LGBTQ people, increase visibility and celebrate sexual diversity and gender expression. We know that when one identifies as LGBTQ, we often automatically become a target.…

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MEDIA RELEASE – A Sexual Culture of Justice Project

The UWI and Civil Society organisations build “A Sexual Culture of Justice” through transformative approaches to partner violence, homophobia, bullying and policing The University of the West indies (The UWI) and its partner organisations have been awarded a Human Rights Grant from the European Union to carry out a project entitled, “A Sexual Culture of Justice: Strengthening LGBTQI & GBV Partnerships, Capacity & Efficacy to Promote & Protect Rights in Trinidad & Tobago”. This project is a new community-university collaboration…

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Show Your Colours – Celebrating IDAHOBIT

The freedom to be yourself is a very special right that everyone – indeed, everyone – is entitled to. Today, we celebrate that freedom to be yourself, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, faith, beliefs and gender or sexual identity. Today, we give everyone a real chance to flourish. Today, we embrace difference and say NO to any and all forms of discrimination against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) community. Today, we celebrate the International Day Against…

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Celebrating The Silver Lining Foundation’s 5th Anniversary

5 Years of Support, Education and Advocacy   Today marks the fifth anniversary of the Silver Lining Foundation (SLF). It’s hard for any of us to imagine that five years later we would be sitting here on this milestone that is our fifth year anniversary. But deeply motivated by a burning desire to seek social justice and impact change in the lives of kids who continue to be bullied by their peers on the sole basis off their sexuality, and…

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Statement: Re- Zidane Malone & Mazza Baptiste

The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) extends its deepest sympathies to the families of 14-year-old Zidane Malone, who sadly took his life on October 28th, 2016, and 13-year-old Mazza Baptiste, who tragically ended her life on October 30th, 2016. Zidane was a student of the Five Rivers Secondary School while Mazza was a student of the Cowen Hamilton Secondary School. They both had bright futures ahead of them and we now grieve the loss of these young, gifted souls with their…

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