

Bullies Are Made

Continuously, instances of bullying are not properly attended to or overlooked. The victim is labelled as the “bullied” while bullies are often glorified and praised among their peers, and punished by school administrators. But the root causes of such aggressive behaviour are never addressed. In Trinidad and Tobago, being a bully is often seen as “survival of the fittest”, a misleading initiation into society. Bullies use intimidation and physical strength to belittle others and assert their dominance. It is of…

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Sakharov Fellowship 2016

Promoting ideas through a constellation of conversations and making change through solidaity: Moving from the Head to the Heart to Impact Change They say the longest distance in the world is the 18 inches between the head and heart. This refers to applying everything you know and channeling it to a strong willingness to seek change which is driven by investment and passion to a cause. It is creating a perfect marriage between your knowledge to your emotions in order…

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Breaking Trinidad and Tobago’s Tradition of Bullying

What does bullying mean for Trinidad and Tobago? Bully (v) – repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behavior used to intimidate, harass or discriminate against an individual. Educators talk about a hidden curriculum. These are experiences at school that are not accounted for or dealt with, but do happen throughout a child’s school life. Parents talk about that necessary part of growing up where it is acceptable for a child’s insecurities and vulnerabilities to be scrutinized regularly. However, for too…

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Las Lomas Government School Anti-Bullying Campaign

On Saturday 2 July, 2016, Kennedy Maraj, Vanita Benimadho and Poonam Singh attended the Las Lomas Government School Anti-Bullying Walkathon. It was primarily centred on raising awareness about the causes and effects of bullying, and how it can be combated with a community effort. The event was organized and spearheaded by the school’s social worker, Christabel Paul, and her colleague, Rondell Bissoon. It was the culmination of a week-long anti-bullying campaign conducted by Ms. Paul. Some talented youths displayed their…

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What does Pride mean to YOU?

“Pride, as opposed to shame and stigma, is the catalyst for the LGBT movement around the world, and signifies a united front against discrimination and violence.” Pride means many things to many people. Pride is a feeling, a way of life. For the LGBT community, pride has come to signify the reason they exist, and what they intend to live up to. We dedicate this blog to our silver lining, George Kazanjian, who was an innocent bystander trying to live…

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Solidarity with Pulse Victims

SLF shows SOLIDARITY with Pulse Victims at UWI Candlelight Vigil The attacks on a gay nightclub in ‪Orlando‬ may have been committed by one man but make no mistake this was a calculated and targeted attack on the LGBT community. A community who knows discrimination and hate all too well. Our existence has been waged on the battles we endured facing hate and intolerance throughout history, while defying the odds meant to tear us down and deny us the right…

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T&T Proud For Pride

Our events may be limited in Trinidad & Tobago but LGBT Pride Month is highly celebrated within the local LGBT community. It serves as a time to remember the reasons for our existence and for the work we have been engaged in. It also is a time of remembrance of those who we’ve helped along the way, and to memorialize those who have lost their way. It is during this time that many NGOs and individuals alongside The Silver Lining…

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June is LGBT Pride Month

“…out of the 365 days on the year, there is one month where I can experience life without judgement, hatred and condemnation and share what my life is (or has become) with people I care about and people who share the same struggles or freedoms.” – Isaiah Alexander The word “Pride” suggests a positive stance against discrimination towards LGBT individuals. Pride, as opposed to shame and stigma, is the catalyst for the LGBT movement around the world, and signifies a…

How to build a safe space at your school

An effective strategy for building community in your school is by fostering a safe space such as an alliance where individuals can access a supportive community of peers. Safe spaces have been found to be helpful at fighting feelings of isolation and improving self esteem. Steps you can follow if you want to start your own safe space: Determine what type of organization you would like to form: A peer counselling group should be private and confidential. But an all-genders…

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SLF: Child Marriages Infringes on the Rights of the Child

CHARLIEVILLE: The Inter Religious Organisation (IRO) has stated that it is opposed to changing the law as it pertains to child marriages in Trinidad and Tobago. Recent statements by representatives of the organization suggests they unanimously support this position and believe that child marriages are a form of protection and a tool of social utility. The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) is dedicated to promoting the rights of the child, particularly supporting and advocating for youth who are marginalised. As such,…

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