
BHC Anti-Bullying Awareness Competition & Prize Ceremony

BHC Anti-Bullying Awareness Competition & Prize Ceremony

Mr Tim Stew British High Commissioner to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (@ukincaribbean) hosted the closing ceremony of the Mitigating School Violence and Indiscipline project. The event honoured the teachers of the 3rd & 4th cycle of our Safer Schools: Teacher Training workshop as well presented the 1st place prize of our anti-violence awareness competition to Williamsville Secondary School. Special mention to our partners at ASPnet Trinidad and Tobago for their invaluable in-kind support. ✍+📷: @brandonkalyan📹: Tahira Adams BHC…

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Black Queer World Building

Artivist @jacobvjoyce left an open invitation to members of the Black queer diaspora to predict a new version of the future, one that is in alignment to their queer joy, freedom, rest and healing. The project titled Black Queer World Building aims to include the Caribbean in outlining and celebrating the interconnected struggle against colonial legacies of homophobia in Africa and its diaspora. Through the power of speculative fictions and afro-futurist writers like Octavia Butler who forecasts her own future…

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