
Speaking Up Against Bullying: Tips for Being an Upstander and Not a Bystander

Speaking Up Against Bullying: Tips for Being an Upstander and Not a Bystander

Bullying definitions are diverse but often share similar traits. An act of bullying involves aggressive behaviour over a period of time that is unwanted on the part of the victim, has a negative impact on an individual(s) and involves an uneven balance of power. It is not a one-off incident but rather persistent and repetitive acts of aggression. The effects of bullying can be devastating, leaving one feeling weak, oppressed, threatened and vulnerable. Bullying includes actions such as making threats,…

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#TBT – Pride 2023

“Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.” — Jason Collins On this very special #TBT, we throw it back to this past Sunday, where LGBTQIA+ people and allies gathered in love, joy and harmony to march for the right to love and be unequivocally loved and to celebrate our existence and the progress that’s been made in the fight for equal rights. SLF holds values of unity, togetherness and community close to our hearts,…

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Pride…Inside & Out!

Pride Month is a celebration of the diversity and uniqueness of our community. It is a time of remembrance, reflection and togetherness to fight intolerance, violence and discrimination. Pride Month reminds us to build the strength to continue breaking barriers to equality and confronting all forms of discrimination year-round, not just during one month.  Though Pride Month is celebrated globally in June to commemorate the 1969 New York Stonewall Rights and celebrate the progress toward LGBTQIA+ equality, TT Pride Month…

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Father’s Day 2023

Father’s Day may not be easy for many LGBTQIA+ people. Some may be experiencing emotional pain as a result of family rejection or the loss of a loved one who was supportive and affirming. Some parents may also be experiencing negative feelings as a result of the unique societal obstacles of having an LGBTQIA+ child or identifying as LGBTQIA+ themselves. We hold space for all those who may be experiencing some tough emotions today. Today and every day, we celebrate…

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IDAHOBIT 2023 – Together Always, United in Diversity

The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) is a day to raise awareness of the violations of human rights and to advocate for equitable, sustainable and inclusive policy-making and change. It is a day to inspire people to take action to support peoples’ rights to live safely and free from the threat of abuse, discrimination and/or violence as a result of their sexual orientation, gender expression or sex. At a time when the rights of LGBTQIA+ people across…

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5 Ways to Becoming a Better Ally

“Allyship” refers to the actions, behaviours and practices that people can take to support, amplify and advocate with others who don’t belong to the same social identity groups as themselves. Allyship is not a single action, but rather an ongoing one, and is especially important since it is an open showing of support and advocacy for equal treatment. Allies are powerful and important to the push for equality, uniquely poised as persons in a position to use their voices to…

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Mother’s Day 2023

A mother is not just someone who has birthed a child; mothers are phenomenal people who are dedicated to their families through any obstacles. This Mother’s Day, we reflect on the role that mothers play in our lives. Whether our mothers are in our lives or not, by force or choice, they and our experiences with them help to shape who we are and who we become.  We also hold space for those who may be experiencing negative feelings about…

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World Anti-Bullying Day 2023

Designated by the United Nations on May 4 annually, World Anti-Bullying Day is a commemorative day to pledge support for ending bullying in schools. While the signs are sometimes apparent and willful, the effects are often silent and are noticed too late. World Anti-Bullying Day is a day that reminds us to raise awareness about this social ill and to defend anyone – regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, age or any other physical attribute – facing discrimination,…

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Transgender Day of Visibility 2023

Today, on Transgender Day Of Visibility, we stand with our transgender and gender-diverse friends in celebrating their existence. Everywhere and every day, we are reminded that our community is beautiful, strong and resilient. With even more representation today than ever before, we must be reminded that harmful anti-trans sentiments and violence are still prevalent, which can cause infringement of their rights as human beings.  There is power in unity and positivity. Transgender and gender-diverse people have been some of the…

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