
Rationalizing the Age of Consent

Rationalizing the Age of Consent

Civil Society Statement on Rationalizing the Age of Consent Corrective Legislation and Other Measures A grouping of organizations and individuals has been working around the issue of the age of consent. Given here is an abridged version of the document submitted to Government, agreed upon by the signatories listed below. The full document may be accessed at: www.winad.org/resources, www.networkngott.com and www.silverliningtt.com. The legal age of sexual consent to penetrative sex in Trinidad and Tobago was raised from 16 to 18…

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June is LGBT Pride Month

“…out of the 365 days on the year, there is one month where I can experience life without judgement, hatred and condemnation and share what my life is (or has become) with people I care about and people who share the same struggles or freedoms.” – Isaiah Alexander The word “Pride” suggests a positive stance against discrimination towards LGBT individuals. Pride, as opposed to shame and stigma, is the catalyst for the LGBT movement around the world, and signifies a…

SLF: Child Marriages Infringes on the Rights of the Child

CHARLIEVILLE: The Inter Religious Organisation (IRO) has stated that it is opposed to changing the law as it pertains to child marriages in Trinidad and Tobago. Recent statements by representatives of the organization suggests they unanimously support this position and believe that child marriages are a form of protection and a tool of social utility. The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) is dedicated to promoting the rights of the child, particularly supporting and advocating for youth who are marginalised. As such,…

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Day of Silence 2016

Unite to break the silence against bullying! The “Day of Silence” is an annual event which is recognized internationally that brings attention to anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) name calling, bullying and harassment faced in schools. Students across the country will stand in solidarity to call attention to the silencing effect that bullying and harassment has on LGBT students, and those perceived to be LGBT in our schools and in the wider society. On April 15th, we will show…

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