
MEDIA RELEASE – From Tragedy to Transformation: SLF’s Commitment to Ending Bullying and Preventing Suicide

MEDIA RELEASE – From Tragedy to Transformation: SLF’s Commitment to Ending Bullying and Preventing Suicide

For Immediate Release – October 7th, 2024

CONTACT – Jeremy Steffan Edwards, Executive Director

Every child in Trinidad and Tobago deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. They deserve to attend school in an environment that fosters growth, creativity, and safety — free from the destructive forces of bullying, fear, and violence. Yet, these very forces continue to grip our nation’s youth, stifling their dreams and dimming their futures.

Fifteen-year-old Jayden Lalchan was one of those bright young stars, full of potential. But tragically, his life was cut short. As shared by his mother and reported in the media, Jayden was targeted and attacked for his ethnicity, his speech, and perceived differences. His loss is not just his family’s burden to bear; it is ours. As a society, these toxic behaviours have been allowed to persist for far too long. How much longer will we allow our children to be robbed of their futures? How many more lives will be sacrificed to bullying and violence while we turn a blind eye, caught up in political gamesmanship? The question is: what will we do now?

We extend our deepest sympathies to Jayden’s parents, Fareeda and Roshan Lalchan, and to all who loved him. His dreams of studying AI and Cybersecurity abroad—dreams that could have contributed to a more diverse and innovative Caribbean—are no more. 

At SLF, we have conducted two national surveys to assess the extent of school bullying & violence. We have also trained nearly 100 secondary school teachers in Trinidad and Tobago on how to identify and combat bullying and violence in schools. This is only the beginning. But we need everyone to play a part. We can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines while our children suffer. Here’s how you can take action:

For Students: If you or someone you know is being bullied, do not stay silent. Reach out to a trusted adult — your parent, teacher, counsellor, or a friend. You are not alone. There are people who care about your safety and well-being, and they are ready to help you.

For Parents: Be the safest place that your children can turn to. Talk to them. Keep checking in with them. Don’t judge them or criticise harshly; remember you were once children too. Work to set the best example that they can be. And when it feels like even a bit too much for you to handle, reach out to a competent person or authority for guidance. 

For Teachers: We recognize that you operate within a system with challenges and limitations, but you are not powerless. We stand with you as allies. Share the knowledge you’ve gained with your colleagues and, if you haven’t been trained yet, sign up for our next cohort. Together, we can make our schools safer for every child.

SLF believes increased collaboration is needed to understand and address the root causes of bullying and violence in schools. We emphasize the need to create safer learning environments for all students and call for urgent collaborative efforts to address the root causes of bullying and violence in schools, thereby creating safer schools where every student can thrive and fulfil their potential.

Bullying, in all its forms, is not an inevitable part of growing up—it is a crisis we must address head-on. We must lead by example, creating spaces where children, parents, and educators can openly discuss these issues and take meaningful action. Jayden’s life was taken far too soon. Today, we mourn this grievous loss, but tomorrow, we must honour his memory by committing ourselves to the hard work of change. Let us ensure that Jayden’s legacy is not one of tragedy, but of transformation. 

Let us work together to build a future where every child is safe, valued, and empowered.

Jeremy Steffan Edwards

Executive Director 

The Silver Lining Foundation


About SLF

The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) is a non-profit organisation registered in Trinidad and Tobago that works towards preventing bullying, suicide, and discrimination related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) issues. SLF aims to empower youth, create safer classrooms and strengthen family relationships through a three-pronged approach of support, education, and advocacy, enabling youth to lead more fulfilling, sustainable, and functional lives.

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