
Celebrating The Silver Lining Foundation’s 5th Anniversary

Celebrating The Silver Lining Foundation’s 5th Anniversary

5 Years of Support, Education and Advocacy   Today marks the fifth anniversary of the Silver Lining Foundation (SLF). It’s hard for any of us to imagine that five years later we would be sitting here on this milestone that is our fifth year anniversary. But deeply motivated by a burning desire to seek social justice and impact change in the lives of kids who continue to be bullied by their peers on the sole basis off their sexuality, and…

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Statement: Re- Zidane Malone & Mazza Baptiste

The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) extends its deepest sympathies to the families of 14-year-old Zidane Malone, who sadly took his life on October 28th, 2016, and 13-year-old Mazza Baptiste, who tragically ended her life on October 30th, 2016. Zidane was a student of the Five Rivers Secondary School while Mazza was a student of the Cowen Hamilton Secondary School. They both had bright futures ahead of them and we now grieve the loss of these young, gifted souls with their…

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