TTFF & A Safe Space
Today marks a grand day for The Silver Lining Foundation in its quest to Support, Educate and Advocate for LGBT and discriminated youth in Trinidad and Tobago.
On this day in 2015, “A Safe Space” was accepted into the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival (TTFF) and was presented on 24th and 28th September at MovieTowne, Port-of-Spain. The film was well-received by the public, who following the viewing of the film, held a discussion session with SLF members.
The Silver Lining Foundation launched “A Safe Space” film at the Medulla Art Gallery on May 4. The day was a special one, marking World Anti-Bullying Day, and was graced with the presence of the former Minister of Public Administration, The Honourable Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of The United States, Port-of-Spain, Ms. Margaret Diop, and several other members of the Diplomatic Corps.
The film tells the story of the genesis of the Foundation, and gives George Kazanjian’s story and the perspective of his mother, Katherine Kazanjian. It reveals Jeremy Edwards’s own reasons for starting the Foundation. The head counsellor of The University of the West Indies is also featured discussing her work with Safe Space TT and the Foundation.
The film launch was also featured in The Trinidad Guardian by Paula Lindo with the article entitled “The Silver Lining Foundation (SLF) reaches out to LGBTI Youth.”