
Day of Silence 2016

Day of Silence 2016

Unite to break the silence against bullying!

The “Day of Silence” is an annual event which is recognized internationally that brings attention to anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) name calling, bullying and harassment faced in schools.

Students across the country will stand in solidarity to call attention to the silencing effect that bullying and harassment has on LGBT students, and those perceived to be LGBT in our schools and in the wider society.

On April 15th, we will show solidarity as we visually represent the silence of our peers by wearing red tape over our mouths, signing the banner of support and breaking our silence by voicing our support in this year’s Day of Silence video as we support, empower, and speak out for those who are silenced on a daily basis.

At the end of the day there will be a brief “Break the Silence” event (at a location to be announced) to light lanterns which will be lifted into the air to symbolically ‘break the silence’ suffered by victims of bullying.

The Silver Lining foundation invites students of Trinidad and Tobago to unite to support the event as we continue to bring light to the discrimination faced by the LGBT community, both on campus and throughout our nation’s schools.

How do you participate?

You may show your support in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Wear Red or White.
  2. Join in the protest @UWI, St. Augustine (Quadrangle- outside the food court).
  3. Silence yourself in protest. (bound or unbound) Look for the red tape; you’ll know it when you see it. There’s enough tape and markers to go around.
  4. Sign The Silver Lining Foundation’s banner and add a personally inspiring or uplifting quote.
  5. Speak up on camera and be part our Day of Silence video.
  6. Upload pictures/ selfies to show your support and #DayofSilence #SLF #BreaktheSilence

Day of Silence 2016: Break the Silence!



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